Sunday, November 25, 2007

a damn good literature piece that's lost its theme

was thinking of a good blogname because the days of freedom have already come.thanks to all those who patiently waited for them with me.ah.haven't blogged properly at all since A lvls ended.always felt that i had something better to i procrastinated.

but now my mum wants me to do some bookmark thing for her,and so im using blogging as an excuse to procrastinate that for a bit. (:

well anyway the smiley face isn't fantastically appropriate to punctuate my writing,because i'm not supposed to be in the best of moods,the most inspired of times..whatever you want to call it.i'm still in post-A depression,as duane calls it.not sure what the problem is,but after taking dave's advice to get out of the house,which got me landed in some obscure part of singapore i never knew (so much land!) existed...ikea/courts/giant warehouses.i don't even know where i was.tampines? not sure.just took the bus.

and now i have a blister on my toe.

speaking of toes,i need to paint my nails soon.the red/blue combination that i was so tempted to wear into the prelim halls but decided that the stress of worrying whether i'd be thrown out by someone like mr ho was too great to bother with.

oh gosh,so much ranting i nv got a chance to do in wonder i feel so oppressed and stuffed up with words that i would rather sit down and do nth,say nth.too much to talk about i give up trying.

i think i should call rachel and bored (though i'm supposed to be doing the bookmarks).i skipped vibe today because well,personal reasons,and did up my blog.which iv been long wanting to do.(that however,is NOT the personal reason) next wld be the classblog.but abit too much work for's not even been a week since As ended (OMG.) and well,it feels like forever.time passes slowly and comfortably,i have time to sigh and moan about the useless things in life.i don't worry about what i need to do,i'm sleeping soundly.

i really feel very unoptimistic these days.maybe its some sort of hormonal thing (who said that again? david i think.) or some weird reaction to no-work.the possibilities stretch before me,endlessly.but i'm so caught up with this odd breeze of tragicromantism that daydreaming is just the best way to drift along,one of my favourite things in life.dreaming,thinking up my own story.being as lyrical about my that.

i have so many thoughts running through my head i feel like ranting on and on and on about.but i don't feel like telling rachel about it.HAHA.she's not the person to talk to about such foolish girly things.swan is haha.zwing too.oh yes,and steph.but aiya,only swan knows the exact details and thus i shall just not talk about it to anyone at all.hope i dun end up blurting it out to robyn or sth in china when i have one of those emo-moments.hope such moments nv occur! but i do hope i sort my issues out when i get to spend some quality time with God there.spiritual trip.i want answers.or rather,i just want comfort in things assured.

it bugs me every single day.

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