Tuesday, January 22, 2008

that was so before sunrise

you talk to someone who is practically a stranger.someone who does not know you,does not really know your friends,does not have any idea what he is in for just by offering to know you.you have your story,you know he has a story too.but all this is not of utmost importance tonight.all you want to do is just talk.talk about stuff that matters.talk about stuff that you secretly think do matter,but nobody else knows.let that person into the deepest chambers of your soul,to places even you seldom explore within your heart.it is as though that person holds the key to your inner being,knows exactly what to say without even knowing your last name - has known you all along.his smile,which you have only seen for the few hours of your life together,invites you out from behind your defences,embraces everything you are in a few short words and a laugh.and in your head you're thinking,oh my gosh he is everything i could want.i could spend many more days just talking like this.talking about everything with someone who could mean everything.but then you both realize how short this has to be for it to even mean anything.what we have must end by the sunrise,when the magic will be lost - the carriage turns back into a pumpkin.he is such a prince,but i am not the princess.


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