Saturday, December 15, 2007

aaron is skyping me!

i was choosing between typing an emo blogpost and talking to dear aaron cheong.looks like i chose to talk nonsense with aaron.he is leading such a boring life,like most of us.aaron is also cheating people's money giving tuition.but i guess since we were all his students once,in a way,i can vouch that he's actually a really good maths was either him or mr lam.the same way it was either saili or ms yip.

okay now i'm off skype cos he needs to talk to mel so i'm back to blogging BUT not feeling emo anymore so i guess i'll probably sleep soon so that i can wake up early and play with the hairstraightener or sth.i think i'm going to give up CSI too.i cannot believe sara's going to leave!!!!!! or has left,to be precise.i liked jorja fox and grissom together! but i felt that the 'i love you you love me' part was quite retarded and underdeveloped. tinsley keeps reminding me,i should just go and get myself a boyfriend.

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