Friday, December 14, 2007


my life is such a holed out place now.CSI has come in and made me more or less unshaken by the most gruesome and gory.i thought i was falling sick yesterday after spending the whole day out with my brothers,cousin,aunties and grandma looking for christmas presents.i've only found my mum's.but i did get 2 presents from my brother and my aunties.

i know i've got such a lot of stuff to do,

1. bible homework my dad gave all of us to complete
2. FC reject video plans,filming schedule,actors (major sigh)
3. find the huge beach balls (personally)
4. recap video (omg.)
5. countdown pictures and powerpt.
6. meet kahleng,hopefully
7. meet nicole,really hopefully
8. meet my darling RACHEL HO when she gets back
9. meet tinsley ASAP (he owes me)
10. go shopping for everyone's christmas presents,after i make the list

now i'm talking to robyn online and hooray swan has agreed to come to church with me tmr again! there's lunch with the cell too.

i'm basically a very busy,but lazy person.

another adventure tomorrow night with swan to look forward to.think i'm going to recce for beach balls.i can't believe i have to get so much stuff done by FC meeting next week.that reminds me.i want to learn to DRIVE too,so that dave,darryl or evelyn wouldn't have to ever fetch me back home again.


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