Friday, August 29, 2008

in a few days

i love how the love of my life writes about the most foul and usually un-talked-about activities in one's daily life. (i.e. unfortunate visits to public toilets) i have never been that cracked up listening to darryl's high amused narration of the explicitly disgusting blog of my said love.

okay nicky is making too much noise outside on the drums which are preventing me from waxing more lyrical.mother is also calling me down to mash right back.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

figuring the guy who saved me out

what alex (very enthusiastic and friendly ltb member) says is right.i can feel the fibres in me tingling to just get out there and do something.let off some's either i'm too exhausted from pulling late nights and all day activities or i've gone into autopilot.what a tiring first week.i am spent.uni is exciting yet frightening all at the same time.

circumstances have forced me to sit down and take a good hard look at my faith these few days.quite a few of us are trying to get back in touch with God,especially in this difficult new life we're all forced into.what a journey it's going to's like i'm pushing off from the shore and wading into deeper waters.i want to walk on water with Jesus,but i don't even know where He's taking i've said,it's exciting and many new experiences this year,so many new convictions.what a rollercoaster ride for so many of us!

i was talking to darryl and trinette (and a couple of other random people) about what has been burdening my heart these few days.i want to know is why people who know Him aren't loving Him for what He deserves.where has Christianity gone?it's not like i'm a great (as in,perfect) lover of God.but i'm committed to trying as much as i can to surrender my life and live for Him.i know what He's done for me,and i don't ever want to remain the same person i was yesterday or the year before.i want to keep growing even though things at the top get scarier and more daunting.i have to admit as i feel God pulling me up the crazy rock wall like a belayer would,i'm like a bit exhausted and apprehensive.the climb before was such a challenge.i'm not sure if i can go on as it gets even harder.i know God knows what i can do.but i need so much more fuel the stuff they teach us in uni,this new unfamiliar lap is such a giant leap from the usual trials i've gone's forcing me to mature and handle things i once thought were so much larger than myself.

oh gosh.i'm too tired to even blog properly.i've got so much stuff on my mind however.i'm dying to just say - LET GOD CHANGE YOU STOP TRYING TO CHANGE YOURSELF IT'LL NEVER WORK WE'VE ALL TRIED AND FAILED.GOD IS SAYING SON COME BACK TO JESUS.THE DIVINE EXCHANGE IS WAITING FOR YOU.

that was a little explicit and straight forward.but i'm too tired.i don't know how to phrase it nicely in this state of mind.i keep one in God's presence can emerge from the encounter the exact same person.meeting God just breaks  you into pieces and leaves you weeping like a child.not in shame as you may think of course.but in utmost gratitude because He took everything you ever did,sent His Son to die in your place,and didn't even blame you one can you NOT react in the most extreme way upon realizing the extent of His mercy??

i'm probably sounding holy moly.i don't know if i should give a damn to's one of my favourite bookmark messages -

I stood before Jesus and asked Him: How much do you love me Lord? 
"This much." He replied. 
Then He stretched out His arms on the cross and died for me.

give it some serious thought guys.goodnight.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

the past.

i forgot we were supposed to act dao.

my FAVOURITE.cos i look the nicest(:

check out my sucky designing skills man.


but things do change.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

bye bye.

life with jonk is never without the endless drama.sometimes i wonder how my friends handle it,especially those caught in the constant crossfire,swept this way and that with my reckless abandon.some people sit and listen in amazement,others thank their lucky stars they live on calmer seas.i don't is is awesome.

have learnt so much over the past weeks as smu life started off with camps,as my social life fluorished naturally with the oddest of companions,things move and change so fast i literally can't catch my breath at times.there are a lot of things to say in regard to certain issues,things i toss over in my mind like an overdone salad,things that nobody really wants to hear.

i don't think even i can catch up with's secret blog time!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

take that bow

i don't know why i like take a bow by rihanna so much.i think the piano part really gets to me.i love the piano part.which is basically the bass of the whole i went to smu for lunch then out with darryl to shop for his new wardrobe.i think i may have succeeded in changing his style a bit.then trinette joined us for our favourite crystal jade lamianxiaolongbao dinner,icecream,quarreled again,then went home after making peace.tomorrow we're going to parkway to do the same stuff.bangkok on thursday!(:

yours mine and ours(:

olive so prettyyyy.
the epitome of stupidity.