Tuesday, July 31, 2007

not my poem,but my love(:

I love you
not only for what you are,
but for what I am
when I am with you

I love you
not only for what
you have made of yourself
but for what
you are making me

I love you
for ignoring the possibilities
of the fool in me,
and for laying firm hold
of the possibilities for good.

Why do I love you?

I love you
for closing your eyes
to the discords -
and for adding to the music in me
by worshipful listening

I love you because you
are helping me to make
of the lumber of my life
not a tavern
but a temple;
and out of the words
of my every day
not a reproach
but a song.

I love you
because you have done
more than any creed
to make me happy

You have done it
without a word
without a touch
without a sign.
You have done it
just by being yourself

After all
perhaps that is what
Love means.

-Roy Croft
this poem may not be written by me,but in this period of intensifying mugging,which to me feels pretty good somehow (like i'm doing sth with my life that is related to A levels finally!),want to dedicate it to all the people i love out there,who have always been themselves with me,and needless to say have touched my heart with their sincerity,good-will (even when attached to nasty words),genuine giving-a-damn,encouragement,belief in me,and the list of 'showing how i love jonk' goes on.i don't like the thought of mentioning names because i will definitely miss out people,but here goes -
to Rachel Ho,Zwing,Robyn,Stepho,Swannie,Trinette,David,Esmond,Chook,a14,mr josef! & all my other subject tutors,my cell & fellowship comm,Joshua,Sam,Chin,Darien,Duane,GuyJonk,and of course my family.
the list definitely doesn't end here,
sorry for forgetting anyone at all!
but thank you for loving me anyway(:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Q2. do you agree that a picture speaks a thousand words?

and i'm thinking,i could be famous!!!
you know who you are!!!!(:


nuff said.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

whisper my own love song

that's from the 'forever' song by hillsong,btw.

i'm not in the blogging mode.i'm in the do maths mode.sleep mode.but i'll be nice back to esmond,for honoring me on his blog.

ermmmmmm,esmond,at least you're a nice weird person right? (: you just got a really hot girl for a neighbour,who happens to be my classmate.it's a good thing!


Saturday, July 21, 2007

drained dry

i'm too tired to type in proper sentances,so i shall put what i want to say in point form.

-that lit essay was mindblowingly bad.
-my youngest brother got into VIP (hurrah)
-im somehow still part of zwing's surprise on monday
-i think my other brother has an eating/exercising disorder
-i have yet to study,despite this being the 8th week countdown (oh,darn)
-i dreamt of justin kong,mr seet,cheese,church and yong en saying a very odd thing last night
-i have a lot of homework and mugging to do,everybody is doing faster than meeeee
-i played floorball today and conveniently ignored grandma goh
-i helped jingyi with her sprained ankle today because everyone else just stared
-i cycled home with zwing,only to realize i forgot to bring my gatsby back,so i had to go back
-for some weird reason i smiled at conran today,who thankfully smiled back
-saw all of steph's eye candy today
-zwing slept for half an hour over at my house this afternoon
-ms low's lit lesson was inspiring,the non-lit part that is.
-zwing danced in a sari with some indian guy on stage,someone cldn't breathe
-had super funny lunch time talk with huishuang and hueyying
-andre is my neighbour??
-i'm still stupid for you.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Why Men..and Women Never..

i just finished Allan and Barbara Pease's (you can see their column in LIFE!sunday for couples) new guide book "Why Men Can Only Do One Thing At A Time and Women Never Stop Talking".the title is so long i sld just refer to it as the Book.it's good! so tomorrow i'm bringing it so a14 can have a good laugh over it tomorrow.i'm guessing the girls (especially steph) will be most interested.

feeling high UNPOETIC right now despite my desperate brainracking activity for a new poetic/lyrical nickname.i currently can't think of a single emo thing to say! maybe it's cos iv been more on the moody side today because for 2 consecutive times iv just dreamt about PE,which i have for real tomorrow.last night i dreamt about swimming for PE.today i dreamt about swimming for PE too!!! and the PE teachers were in the dreams too.good thing they were like encouraging me,although i could literally feel the incredulity (i.e. eyerolling) i had as i listened to them cheer me on.but i have a few interesting things to note from the Book before i go back to my complex numbers tutorial.

"If a woman is unhappy in her relationships, she can't concentrate on her work." I'm not talking about my latest unhappiness but i have to admit i'm not really happy these past few days.work progress has totally sucked to the core,particularly because i refuse to talk about it to anyone except God,who at least won't laugh out loud.

and the best part of the Book,

What Women Actually Look For

1. Personality
2. Humour
3. Sensitivity
4. Brains
5. Good Body

What Men Think Women Look For

1. Personality
2. Good Body
3. Humour
4. Sensitivity
5. Good Looks

The men aren't that far off,really.

What Women Think Men Look For

1. Good Looks
2. Good Body
3. Nice Chest
4. Nice Butt
5. Personality

What Men Actually Look For

1. Personality
2. Good looks
3. Brains
4. Humour
5. Good Body
Women are more far off than they know it.
i can think of a few good men.and i realize too that im not that far off from being perfect.

i think even God will laugh out loud to that.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

31 days and forever

for some unmentioned reason,spirits tonight have been dampened yet again (already dampened after lit and gp papers were returned earlier today).i was actually very excited to find out that july and august both have 31 days despite being adjacent months,sth i had no idea about for 18 years of my life.however,i'm not going to blog about it as planned and shall go to sleep feeling unhappy now.

this is the part where i burst into tears.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

maybe i won't look back

my nerves have been getting the better of me these days.i'm a bundle of electric wires all knotted up and on the verge of a short circuit.the number of times i've found myself losing my patience and swearing under my breath has gone up this weekend.i've been very tired and not resting my aching muscles but heck,what excuse is that for undone homework and chalked up sins?

the clock will strike 11 and my homework will still be untouched.i will still be fighting sleep.i will still be unprepared for the reality i need to face that next week is the start of the 8 week countdown to prelims.

i can feel a nasty word rising.

for the past 6 hours iv felt like crap.completely wiped out.jaded.whatever you want to call it.laziness?

i think i'm going to cry.

hurry tell me to give you up,
so i can give you up.

Friday, July 13, 2007

lies and love

tonight i wrote down 4 to-do's on my planner:

1. plan schedule (for the next 13 weeks)
2. bessy burgess characterization
3. owen poems (Mental Cases,Dulce Et Decorum Est,Disabled)
4. Act 1 of Plough (and the Stars)

that's just for tonight.and i think i'm just writing them for you know,the sake of writing them.given my current amount of energy i think i'm going to black out soon.but how can i spend one entire night not doing anything but staring blankly intoxicated in front of my laptop?

i kid myself sometimes.

this morning was,you could say,horrors.i love it somehow when the PE teachers never fail to pop out of nowhere during otherwise TGIF moments to ruin your completely innocent,untouched day and make you feel like the scum of the PE world without doing as much as having this pop-quiz style napha test the day i decide to return to school-with-pe-first-period day.what made matters the worst,it was declared that everyone who had gloriously passed napha last term would no longer have proper pe lessons,which were now called 'free and easy periods'.which of course,immediately excluded me.i don't know if i should be feeling ashamed about this,no doubt i was pretty upset again but i grinned and bore it anyway.i can practically feel everyone laughing at me as they read this.and then pretend to be oh so sympathetic as i lie defeated upon the beaten track.

what can i do? i honestly cannot pass my 2.4.go ahead and say it's okay,it doesn't matter,this doesn't make me who i am.but for goodness's sakes,stop lying through your teeth.if it matters to me,it can't matter any less to you.

it never fails to be an hour of mixed emotions.as i held my tongue and tears and went ahead to redo my 5 items for the thousandth time despite having passed them last term and the many terms before with the other slightly-less-physically-inclined people (mostly those insanely genius people from science fac) i couldn't help but feel like a helpless participant on the world's greatest freak show - people who cannot pass their napha.mr seet had given me a very sympathetic look earlier,but however he disappeared soon after and i could no longer glance in his direction and plead for him to remove me from my dreadful circumstances.i actually feel comforted that he was from vj arts.like,less ostrasized or something.

so i continued on to clinch my A for situps and inclined pull up even though i hadn't had the time to train at all since exam madness started (who does inclined pull up for fun?!) but in the face of abandonment by my classmates (who were outside happily playing floorball,free and easy) i barely made it through the rest of the stations.i think i failed 2 in fact! it's atrocious.but maybe that might keep my need to run and pass at bay,since i already failed the 5 items there's no need in continuing with my run down humility aisle right? but not that all these logical reasonings stopped my honest-to-goodness feet from transfering me back outside at the track with an incomprehensible look of elation that my time to run had come.

i told ms ng with the most faked smile that i had come to do my 2.4.at certain points of life,you may indeed find yourself consciously betraying your foremost decisions to stand your ground,and this was mine.i'm sure if i could have see my face then,i would have seen how strained i looked,the rims of my eyes ready to spill the beans.i mean,tears.

i don't know if it was genius on my part,or pure luck.ms ng took pity on me and i ended up doing 100m sprints around the track at 100m intervals.basically that's a walk run walk run schedule.after that whole routine i couldn't have felt more like shit,honestly.not that i didn't cover 2.4 because i did (and at a rate iv never covered it before,though in 100m intervals).but the thing i'll never forget about those 1.2 sprints (sprint half,walk half) was how i ended up crying by my 4th round.of course i wasn't crying because i had to run around whilst my class lovingly bonded over floorball right in my face at the side of the track,i would have done that much earlier if i really wanted to get out of redoing napha.was talking to ms ng after my 4th round just before she left for her next class about what we were going to do about my running and things got a little too personal.some things just flick the switch,so suddenly everything that was on my mind in that instant came falling out and i went from struggling,dignified track prisoner-of-war to vulnerable,defeated basket case (yet again).i think i put up a pretty strong front though,i certainly didn't want anyone to see my ridiculous crying scene.however ms ng did get pretty shocked.in the end i promised her i was going to return to vj one day to prove that i could pass my 2.4.

i don't know what to do with myself.

how on earth is any guy going to take my nonsense?

therefore i branch off to my second and third topic as inspired by Cleo's articles (Cleo,the magazine).why are some of the most attractive (to female counterparts) women still single? and does love conquer all,even infidelity?

a woman's level of attractiveness,even in her own eyes,is constantly questioned everytime some other female is noted as being highly pleasing to the eye,and sometimes more than just that body part.BUT i digress.is there really such a thing as more pretty and less pretty? is beauty not unique to each person? or has it all been compressed into the world of perfect,of photoshop and makeup? is it right to rank women according to their "level of attractiveness",pardon the vulgarity of that description,and shamelessly declare each woman's worth likewise according to such? the world is quick to boast of Dove (whom i fiercely support) and its campaign for real beauty,but if you ask me the world simply pretends it loves women who are confident of who they are regardless of who they are and exalts those who are in reality painfully afraid of what their physical selves will reflect if they were to let the much overused term inner-beauty have it's honest say.i have my moments of envy when i see a perfect waist,gorgeous skin,great legs.but something inside me nags that i,and no one at all,should live by flesh alone.it is easy to criticize such advocators of true beauty as cowards who are merely putting up a front over their far-far-far-from-perfect bodies and desperately trying to destroy the victors of this i-must-be-perfect cause.yes,i do feel like a coward,a victim of circumstance in my lowest moments.somedays i wake up and can't believe i have to face the world with the mere lot i have to offer.i do,on many occasions,feel like the most unattractive girl alive.i,contrary to popular belief,actually am convinced 90% of the time that no one can ever love me.and i say it once again,that don't try to tell me otherwise if you can't prove it to me yourself.

the only proof i need,i sometimes admit,is for someone to dare.

i don't think it's fair for anyone (and i am sure there are many) to live this way.i tell my friends to never feel that they're not good enough for someone.i probably offer the most encouraging advice ever.and it sucks shit knowing that i say these things,mean it,yet find it impossible to apply to myself.i don't even know why i'm being so acutely honest (so honest it may come back and slap me in the face very soon) today.maybe i am because i am fed up.i am so fed up i refuse to threaten to jump off a building in mindless depression like i used to want to do,and instead fight back one insensitive comment at a time.

as my question went earlier,why are some of the most to-die-for characters still single? and even if this weren't the case,the second article i was reading was why people cheat on their partners.make a choice,carry it around,and finally decide to put it back on the shelf.live up to the epitome of false hope,silently empower the excuses made by lost trust.it is,truly,a harsh reality to face up to.i was just talking to steph earlier today,whispering in lit class more like it,that i didn't think it was possible two married people don't like other people for the rest of their lives.a crude summary of what i was saying,yes,but i don't see how marriage seals off your attraction to others.this must be the ugly truth.husbands and wives can't stop having crushes on their own friends.the human nature can't possibly allow that.that's why my mum always teaches me that commitment keeps you together,not romance.that's why the world teaches me divorce is okay.too many people have married for lifelong romance.but they who love the greater love,to quote Owen,those are the ones who marry for lifelong love.it's really hard without God as the glue,if you ask me.living with someone for so long can really drive you to complacency.don't believe me ask my brothers.some siblings don't even talk to each other at home.glue sticks fast,but dries over the years and if its cheap it'll probably be nothing more than a film of plastic over 2 surfaces that once refused to come apart.that sounded highly amateur somehow,but i think it makes my point.

"Q: I've been with my current boyfriend for four years now and my feelings for
him seem to have faded. I no longer feel as in love with him as I used to be and
have been thinking of initiating a breakup, but I'm afraid of hurting his
feelings as he loves me deeply. How can I break the news to him without hurting
him badly? -(obviously clueless) Cleo reader."

on one hand i'm dying to say 'you should have known better'.but then again,it worries me about how frail the human condition is.where do we draw the line with the excuse "I'm only human"?

do tell.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

like being in love,she said,for the first time

8 weeks to prelims,13 to the great start of A levels.

boy am i esctatic.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

when you don't know,

yeo likuang has just insulted me majorly.

but i admit,it is hard for the regular human being to understand the complexities of being alive primarily due to this thing called spirit that refuses to die,give up or say it's over.in my head i must have died a thousand times for every moment of despair,and lived all over again for every spark of hope,every empowering embrace that says i know.

but you don't.

Monday, July 9, 2007

a trip up the course of the river

pretty much annoyed because i have yet to make it above 50 for maths.worse still,i dropped back to my lowest and original score (last year's midyears!) 41.second time i'm failing it but i can't say this years midyear paper was any easier from last year's.despite hitting around the class average 06a14 is after all,still an arts class and that makes us at least 10 marks below the science cohort average,which i heard was around 50 for some classes.but of course,there are geniuses like aaron cheong who make it to 60 sth (i think that's a personal low,however),and the mad scholars who hit 80-90.

oh crumbs.i feel like whatever i say now like "oh no i'm doomed for As!" will vaguely resemble a woman in a fast burning-down house on fire screaming calamity yet doing nothing at all.

i must instead,be inspired for maths! this calls for Plan B,which sounds a lot like "well then,mug harder".thank God for semi-superlatives,or whatever the "-er,-est" things are. (i.e. hard,harder,hardest) means i have hope,as long as i have not reached the end of my stick yet. (is that even an expression?)

whatever the case,i'm going to stay calm and go annotate my lit poem and drama now.

oh and i have to blog about this because i think it was the sweetest thing iv heard all week (and possibly in my life,more or less).i don't think the person would want to be named but you can just ask me if you so desperately want to know because you're so incredibly nosey,let's say if you were esmond loon.

don't get me started
i totally do not believe girls can go after guys
i still don't you noe.
i think ur weird methods wld only get girls into trouble!

i admit i haf no idea how it'll turn out

precisely !
i knew it was all just crap la

no but i tell u
it works lor

u just said
u have no idea how' it'll turn out!

for u maybe
not everyone can do it at the same level

ur saying that
THAT method will work for me?!?!
since when did u noe how i function
i have zero effect on guys la

how wld u noe

im pretty sure
like ZERO.
no one will give it a second thought.

u nvr noe

what i never know
i do noe.
it makes me sad to think abt it
i don't know whether to be comforted by that however.haha

i dont get u

as in,if i have zero effect on guys then i wun get like hounded or sth
sexual harassment

i tot u do get hounded

no i do not!
why wld i get hounded ****.

because im pretty!?
tt wld be a first.

u are wad
u look great in all ur fotos n stuff
doesnt that tell u something

and then i was so stunned i couldn't think of what to reply for a few minutes.so i said..
(what i now consider a terrible reply)

if u were a girl i wld give u a biggggg hug.
that's so sweet ****.
i thot u were gg to take the opportunity to make fun of me

i mean seriously.i need things like THIS to happen to me more often and from someone else other than HIM.but thanks,you know who you are,that meant a lot to poor little insignificant me.okay bye.

p/s REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

joanne kwok is a rather famous hongkong model.now that's interesting.

lost for words

when you're gone by avril lavigne was playing nonstop on my playlists yesterday,making me inexplicably sad because she managed to put things i could never truly put my finger on into hauntingly accurate words and song,giving each one of us out there a little something to be sad yet lyrical about.it was like having my heart broken all over again,and having a tune to go with it.

listen to when you're gone (click)
I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
They lie on the floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need
you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you
i know,how cheesy again right.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

it hurts me so,to see you go let the sun break you down

that line was from song for the rich (or sth along those lines) by tristan prettyman.i don't even know if i got the line right.

anyway it's been a great day for me and robyn and haitang everybody! we went to vivo,then took a long long long walk to east coast the lagoon for dinner when we came back to the east.the east is great! and i can't possibly describe everyth we did from 2-9 but it was our dinner talk with haitang that i took the most of back with me,and want to keep for the rest of my life.

we talked about the two most important things in secular life - relationships and academics.she inspired me so much.tonight i learnt,not that i didn't know it before,but really learnt that when you make decisions in life,choose a path,and don't look back.don't waste your time wondering what it should have,would have,could have.you may not fulfill your childhood dreams,earn the most money,be a really famous person,but as long as you live life without regrets with where you've been and are headed,life has been a success.and that's all that matters.

in relationships,first thing to worry about is compatibility.the person can be the most perfect person in the world,but if you're not compatible,nothing counts.next,as we know,is the character.how he deals with things at hand.he may not be the smartest person around,but if he has a good heart and good head to handle things,he's worth it.brains aren't everything.look aren't either.but if you get a good looker with good inner-beauty credentials to boot,you've hit the jackpot,baby.

these things aren't things i have never figured out before,or thought deeply about.but what really took me by the shoulders and shook me,was the way haitang brought these across.in the noisy midst of the lagoon,satay-smoke air and hazy moonlight,she sat there with the purpose of teaching us,young rebels,some things she'd learnt about life at age 26.she didn't expect us to listen,she wasn't preaching.but in her eyes i saw her belief in us,the energy she said filled her as she spent time with us feeling young and spunky again,and there and then i chose to remember everything she'd said.

she said she felt that i was going to be a powerful person,and if i really did get into law i'd emerge even more lethal than without it.it's hilarious how i keep hearing this 'you're going to be such a powerful person' thing.i heard it first from my classmate celeste in sec2,i heard it from aunty rose (racho's mum) not too soon after,i've heard it from people i never thought bothered about what i'd be in the future.i was pretty happy she loved my photography skills though haha! but it did set me thinking,that perhaps i should pursue that law thing,and leave my media for later.i really don't know,but God,you know what i need and i'm going to get it.

i'm so tired now i'm going to have to stop blogging.can't think anymore.oh i fixed my bike for free! and i totally love hanging out with swan,i realized.i mean i really really do.okay bye.

you're going to be such a powerful person, she said
you won't be needing
a man for a long long time.

Monday, July 2, 2007

my beautiful girl??

be afraid,very afraid.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

fighting my destiny,back to you

i'm so utterly blown away by memoirs of a geisha,yet again.sigh it's everything about the book that makes you wonder how long the destiny you want takes,or if it will happen at all.this is the question iv been absorbed in for the past 2 weeks,ever since...which some of you would know as stars and blanks.

i was shouting it to the wind,two days ago on the beach,a day i currently regret because im so sunburnt its like my skin has caught fire.i was shouting in stars and blanks,because i still can't bring myself to say who,unless i accidentally let slip (which iv inevitably done a few times,much to my dismay).even so,as i was reading in geisha,in some highly fictitious manner i hope that name flows back to you.

im not looking particularly forward to the day i get so busy you become nothing but a meaningless,hopeless hassle at the back of my mind,when i should be focussing on nothing but the A levels,hoping to get my As and not with you or whatever.

memoirs of a geisha essentially is one longdrawn yet beautifully sculpted love story spanning the entire life of sayuri,a fictional yet empowering persona encapsulated by water and the way it slips easily throughout the course of life,encountering places no one else has gone or wants to go,but making it out the very same element in the end.sigh,i wouldn't say its great literature,but it's definitely a great story.not that i want such a life of suffering (like seriously,alot),but in whatever circumstances i may face i do hope to come out with a page-turner of a life journey.

"Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all
too soon they bleed into a wash, just like watery ink on paper."

-Sayuri, Memoirs of a Geisha