Saturday, February 7, 2009

sometimes love just ain't enough?

even through watching the most unrealistic korean dramas,one can learn several important lessons which to me,love guru,are absolutely vital to real life understanding:

1. you may never marry your soulmate,as beautiful an idea it may be.
2. we all have choices of who we want to be with.and all these choices may be great.the tough part is finding the one that best fits you and you alone.
3. it's nice to have choices,but when all these choices want to be with you,you will always end up hurting someone since you can only make one choice.
4. sometimes it's best to not have choices,because then you can't really get that confused when you have to choose between two or more fantastic guys,upon which you have to hurt all but one of them.
5. when you are indecisive or just a player,you most likely will end up hurting the one you love the most,even if you're not sure who it is at that moment.
6. that's because the one you actually love the most,probably loves you the most too.
7. when you love someone too much that that person fills your entire history,it's hard to find someone else who is willing to take that person's place,even if that person will never be with you.
8. it is better to not hold on so tightly to things in life,because when #7 occurs,it is almost impossible to reverse its effects on your life.and you never know how to love another without thinking of that first person.
9. it is possible to love more than one person at one time,or so it seems.choices do abound.for now most of our stories haven't drawn to any close,nobody is married to anybody yet.anything could happen.but we need to make up our minds just how much the girls/boys in our past mean to us,so that we will learn to let go for the good of our futures.
10. but this thing i don't know yet..since i've never watched a korean drama that tells me the answer.only God knows for now,but i've always wondered,what happens if one girl/boy in your past means too much to let go...but a fairytale ending is not going to happen?

what happens then?

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