Saturday, November 22, 2008


i am going to sleep as soon as i finish was friday,my little nyonya drama has not started,and therefore my expectations of having at least one thing to look forward to were crushed at precisely 9 pm and my week has been nothing but a mindless cycle of reading tons of biz law material,trying not to get distracted,memorizing a million facts about remedies and vitiating factors and the ever annoying torts,fighting to concentrate and not sleep (which was rather futile at first),hating twc,forcing myself to stop msn-ing/facebooking/msg-ing instead of reading the criminally boring twc notes (which was rather futile throughout),planning my study schedule and surprisingly keeping quite on conclusion,the week was half holiday,half concentration camp.i do hope it's meant to be that way,or i'm kinda screwed for my exams,which start on monday (dread dread dread) and end of wednesday 11 am (i insist on being so precise, since it's such a lovely occurence for it to end BEFORE THE AFTERNOON).ohhhmygosh.and my little nyonya show starts on tuesday!which is gossip girl day!JOY!

okay actually i wanted to blog about the people who are my legacy since i was talking to steph about it today but i'm in no disposition currently to sound affectionate and convicted about my wonderful friends because i'm falling asleep.i will make a list,however,so that i can talk about them next time.

1. rachel
2. david
3. steph
4. trinette olive low

conditional acceptance,for some reason,

4. swan
5. hot sam
6. zwing
7. chook
8. robyn

on waiting list,

8. bimbo tan hs

there's actually alot more that i can think of now but where's the exclusivity in that ;)

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